Monday, June 30, 2014

2014 June 28 - More Maine Wildlife

This had to be the weekend of the turtles!  Everywhere I looked I saw a turtle - I saw a large one crossing a road, I saw one very close to shore when I was fishing from shore on Long Pond.  I saw a small one swimming by my dock and then I saw this large snapping turtle sunning himself ALL day!  I thought for sure this large turtle must be dead because it didn't move for hours.  So I walked along the shore to get as close as I could and zoomed in with my camera to see if there was any sign of life in this turtle.  It didn't move at all and was still there as the sun was going down.  I was happy to see the next day, the turtle was gone - so it was alive after all.
Baby turtle swimming through my beach area

Large snapping turtle sunbathing

Close-up of large snapping turtle

Friday, June 27, 2014

2014 June 27 - Maine Wildlife

This was a weekend for seeing wildlife!  We have a beaver on our pond in Maine and I got several pictures of him this weekend.  He certainly was "busy as a beaver" working on his den.

Beaver swimming this way
Beaver swimming that way

Close up of beaver carrying a branch
We often see a pair of  Loons swimming around this small island and we always thought there must be a nest there, but you can't get close to this island so I snapped a shot as we went by.  Later I zoomed in on my photo and was happy to see there was a loon sitting there on a nest in the dense brush.
Can you see the loon to the left of the large rock?

Closeup of loon on her nest

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

2014 June 16 - Trip to Maranacook Lake

We spent the day on a nearby lake and the fishing was pretty good.  We were hoping to catch some Pike, but we didn't.  Someone had told us a few years ago this was a good place to catch Pike but we have never caught one.  As we were taking our boat out, we got into a conversation with another fisherman and he said he fishes Maranacook a lot and has never caught a Pike.  So we may have been given some bad information. 
We had a nice day anyway, and I did land one large pickerel and Frank caught a goodsize largemouth.
Esther with a pickerel from Maranacook

Frank smiling after landing this nice largemouth bass

Colorful sailboat on Maranacook Lake

Saturday, June 14, 2014

2014 June 3 - Fishing with my Brother-in-law

Dick caught this nice pickerel

Dick with one of the bass he caught this year
My sister and her husband and daughter came to visit us in Maine in early June this year.  The fishing was very good.  I spent most of my time visiting with my sister Mary and my niece Aimee, while my husband, Frank went fishing with Dick.  They had a great time and caught a lot of fish.  So many fish that Frank didn't want to take the time to film them but he did grab these 2 pictures to show us they did actually catch fish!